It was an autumn night. The clock struck 12, a prime time.
As it was my birthday. Yes! It was April 20. The time goes on but also it repeats. For us as our bdays. Getting to the story. So, I was sleeping like an insentient drunkard. Yes I do when I'm doped with tiredness of academical boredom. Like every year I'm not serious with my birthday for some cause. I hate celebrating a year becoming less of my life span. Well! Not seriously of this reason. This is just a climax of the whole negative picture. May be this what I was overthinking in my dreams, I don't remember, as I don't remember dreams. Unlike any other b'day I got a call at midnight, I'm such a log sometimes that my nerves resists any ringtone too to get to my cochlea (receptors in ear). I was sleeping dead. My dreams flickered and I opened my eyes, at the right time, it was three when I rolled my pupil inside my eyes onto the milky clock kept  hanging on the wall. It's the time I get up for no purpose, in fact! something wakes me up, I'm still searching. As a habit I picked up my phone ringing loud by the time I got up. '17 missed calls' it displayed on the home screen covering the hot news on glance. I ignored the news, saying as I ever cared? Huh! Anyway, I was thrilled on getting 17 missed calls, that to from 12 to the last missed call just went off now. I dared not to call back as the number was unknown, oh! Have I ever remembered my phone number? I got engaged talking to myself, overthinking about the problems I haven't faced and not even going to face tomorrow in real realm. Oops! The street dogs started howling like fox. Yes they do, mom says they cry, and it's unfortunate as it indicates death of some near ones. Though I pretend not to believe these things, I get goosebumps secretly, since nobody could see my tiny browny hairs raising up. The unknown call added yet another thrill to the one already existing in the saliva I galloped down my throat. I could sense the ghostly fear filling in my room. By my nature I'm emotional yet practical and humorous with bravado character. I picked up the call and said "hello" in my itsy-bitsy voice. It seemed as if I were speaking to an empty room, my voice just reflected back. The one on the other side of call- "happy birthday Nikki-miss tricky!" I was like, I pinched myself, sat and then stood erect, with shuddering voice I asked "who is this?"
My voice said from the other side- "Oh! Dear there's no time for this dilemma arising in you just listen to me and believe my words. Dear Nikki, I know you've faced many problems in your life till now. Problems which no one even could see, cos I know how much you stand bold and erect to face everything with a bindas nature. Dear, believe that every challenge you face is to make you more strong and you'll rock every realm you wanted to be a part of, but on an important note, never get disheartened, when someone says you're egoistic! No! You're not, you're just perfect with flaws my tricky. Your simplicity will make you reach the heights and and and" with so much of gaiety she said "Never stop using your world famous dialogue among your known ones and also to the strangers, bravely and with that blissful smile BINDAS(・∀・)"
Before I could cheer up, with her as  subconsciously I get to repeat this word whenever I hear it. The number faded with a low pitch beep and I kept staring on my phone, displayed recently called, and alas! It read (☉。☉)!→Nikita kumari with my unknown number (one to myself) .
What was that? I questioned, I bothered  not to  tell anybody, it was a way supernatural thing and today I witnessed it! Hurraaaahhh! Unlike others I loved being the one witnessing supernatural things and I was happy, I just went outside my room, looked at the stars, thanked the air thanked the galaxy thanked the whole universe.
Don't know, I couldn't sleep, unnoticing the fact that it was my birthday and that mysterious call! At a point in the bombardment of my flowing thoughts, .........17 missed calls......9......702....April....... April what? Oh! Shit! It's my birthday. And I'm seventeen this year.

Today I wanted to call me, my number back, beep...beep...beep.. ....."the number you are calling is busy now, please try again later".

Today I'm missing that thing, wish she would call me also the next year when I'll be 18. As I need her the most. She is my best mentor ever. I need myself the most!

Hey here's this tricky( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Lemme know my mistakes.

Feel free to comment your views on my first story.
And the longest form of script I've ever written except the battle stories in history paper 🤭


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